
Monday, May 11, 2009

Flip Cam
Hot Topics: Wanda Sykes' Limbaugh jokes upset conservatives


  1. McCarthyism... Oh, Bitsy!

  2. oh Elisabeth, what you are saying is definitely partisan - you used the words "conservative" "conservative dissenting" etc. when stating why you opposed what was said; you aren't fooling anyone but yourself! So basically Elisabeth is saying you are allowed Freedom of Speech but you aren't allowed to react to anything said! By the way Elisabeth, just because you laugh at something doesn't mean you agree with it!

  3. Eliz really lost it today didn't she? McCarthyism, Socialism... she's tossing around the usual Republican vitriol! I feel like she's just parroting Bill O'Reilly today! Seriously, it's a joke. Wanda Sykes is a comedian and she's being paid to be outrageous.

    The Republicans should realize that many non-conservatives have a great amount of disdain for Rush Limbaugh. He, with the terrible things he says on his show, can take a hit from a damn comedian every now and then.

  4. Sorry folks, but O'Reilly is a smart man. Watch his show else don't comment on political commentators that you don't know.

    And Kevin, while I agree with the fact that freedom of speech is allowed, there's a point when attacking someone that doesn't "represent" a political party (whether it be Powell, Gingrich, or Limbaugh) becomes too much. Watch ALL of the news channels that have political commentators....CNN, FOX, and MSNBC...and notice the vitriol that MSNBC displays. Then make your comments, after you've examined the facts.

  5. Madison Grace5/11/09, 1:08 PM

    Hey, Anonymous, I think you went too far when you told Kevin to "watch his show else don't comment on political commentators that you don't know."

    A little high-handed, aren't you? And how would you know what people here watch or don't watch? Let's have a little decorum.

  6. Clearly, Wanda was pandering to the left-leaning media. I can't wait for the next few months when Obama's policies start to show their failing power. We've already started to see it thus far. However, as the saying goes.."You can't cure the cancer without curing the addiction." I really hope that the last few months have taught people that you don't deserve access to a larger home than what you can afford and that you can't take care of your credit card bills later when credit effects you now.

    I heart Elisabeth!

  7. tweetypiebabe15/11/09, 1:14 PM

    All I gots to say is I hope Bitsy doesn't ever run for President or any type of high political stature lol!

    And for Anonymous above the fact of the matter is no matter what party you're for you don't wish for your country to fail because if Obama fails I feel very sorry for America. It's one thing to speak about the party but the country as a whole is in enough shambles at the moment they don't need any more threats or problems on hand.

  8. Anonymous @ 12:36 - I mean really....enough

  9. MG ~ Please refer to most of the comments to these webisodes. There is little decorum handled. I understand that the folks commenting her are liberal in nature, and I myself am adding a conservative voice.

    And why was it too far? Why is it too far to ask someone to know someone's show or character personality when making such a comparison?

    Granted, I think it's a joke when Sherry makes political comments when she herself made the statement on Larry King last week that this was her 1st time of voting for a President. What a joke.

  10. Tweety ~ How many times must Elisabeth & people like myself re-state what liberals interpret Limbaugh's statement. Nowhere did he say that he wanted Obama specifically to fail. Clearly, he wants Obama's policies to fail. As do I & I don't think that we're attacking any party or person. We're against a set of ideols. The next presidency will be determined in the next 8-10 months...I'm just along to watch it all go by. :)

  11. I just watched the full YouTube video with Wanda and she was hilarious!

  12. McCarthyism, Socialism, terrorist, Reverend Wright: Elizabth sounds like a broken record.

    She should be outraged at the original comment that Rush made. Fine! He hates socialism. But what if a bit of socialism actually helped the US (which Bush started with the bailouts). Just because of that he wants the country to fail?

    And since when is laughing at a joke an endorsement? I saw 40-year Old Virgin on DVD and I laughed so I support men holding off their viriginity until 40 and then creating funny moments with friends in their attempt to lose it.

  13. Madison Grace5/11/09, 1:34 PM

    It has nothing to do with being liberal or not. I think people should own their words. If Elizabeth is always going to say the same thing over and over again, she has to take responsiblity for herself. The same goes for Joy and the others. My problem with you is that you told Kevin that unless he watched a particular show, he couldn't have an opinion. I think you overstepped your bounds.

  14. Why was Eliz. beating up on the prez when she said she didn't even see him laugh? She just went by what she heard (on FOX) and even stated as much. When you want to jump on someone that hard and through wild claims, I think it’s only fair to check the facts yourself (or in this case view the video that showed the prez's reaction). That's completely ignorant.

    I saw the c-span coverage and was just like what Whoppie said. Thus, making Eliz's argument completely irrelevant. She just ceased this opportunity to spew hate. She is always trying to throw that "one America" line back at him, when its people like her that’s the problem. People who believe what they hear instead of investigating for themselves.

    I mean... she had time to get her whole argument prepared, but she couldn't fine 5 minutes to watch it herself on YouTube... give me a break.

    No I’m not some flaming liberal, just a person who believes in searching for the truth myself and not being a blind foot-solider.

  15. Originally, Limbaugh did say “I want the president to fail.” It was only AFTER he started catching flak about it, that he changed his tune to say “his policies.”
    What’s the difference between the two anyway? How can ANY president succeed if his policies fails? That’s some twisted logic Limbaugh has going on there. It makes no sense,… and can anyone endorse either bogus claim boggles the mind.

  16. Loved what Whoppie said 1.26 : "Elizabeth - you don't have any proof of that!". Since Elizabeth always make up scenarios that are totally outrageous. And she went for it again at 07:28

    I respect Elizabeth but she always make up scenarios. Whoppie was great in this segment. She brought Elizabeth down to earth and to reality several times and she did it again by saying : "You weren't in his head!" at 08:25

  17. The problem is... He wasn't LOLing like other jokes. Elizabeth wasn't even there! I think her commentary was very disingenuous. And that's the problem with the current conservative movement. They are loosing track with reality. And that doesn't do them any good. The thing is there is PLENTY of real stuff to complain and discuss about, why would you make something up? It's just a big stab at your credibility.

  18. Anon @ 1:12 - you posted "You can't cure the cancer without curing the addiction." --- um, what? Cancer is caused by addiction? That's a new one for me...

    Anon @ 1:19 - you say you're against a set of ideals, not an individual or the country at large, but then you post "The next presidency will be determined in the next 8-10 months...I'm just along to watch it all go by. :)" -- um, what? So in other words, you will NOT heed the words or pleas of your President, you will NOT try to help your neighbor or co-worker or unknown fellow citizen, you will NOT be responding to his calls to volunteer your time, money and efforts to make this a better country.... You'll just sit smugly by and hope for failure after failure, you'll watch your neighbors lose their homes, you'll watch members of your congregation lose their jobs, and you'll just smile to yourself because you're "watching it all go by." Okay, gotcha! Thanks for letting us know where you stand!

    As for me, I laughed at Wanda's joke. I knew she was pushing it, and SHE knew she was pushing it (they cut where she said right after "Too much?" Thanks Lester for posting the whole clip!). That's what comedians do, they PUSH it, for a joke. And if you DON'T think that Limbaugh is a huge and completely appropriate target for just that kind of (as the Brits say) piss-taking, then your head is on backwards.

    Best comment here so far is the first one by Anon at 12:10 - "McCarthyism... Oh, Bitsy!"


  19. I'm glad Whoopi saves her opportunities to tell Elisabeth to get a grip for moments like these. That segment at the end with Sherri and the hidden camera just made me appreciate the woman's presence more than ever.


  20. crazykathat15/11/09, 3:43 PM

    Oh Elizabeth, give it up.

  21. First of all, people need to learn how to spell here.

    Second of all...

    Merry ~ It's called a phrase. Skin cancer - often times caused by over-exposure to sunlight.
    Lung cancer - often caused by excessive smoking


    Second of all (in regards to Merry), don't talk to me about volunteering my time. I have won various service awards for my volunteerism & actually think that's one good thing that Obama is wanting to enact towards his education initiatives. I think we are raising a world of ungrateful, selfish children...I am from the generation of "get rich quick"...look at our problems now. If you think that we got into this housing problem because of faulty credit deals, you are clearly misguided.

    Listen to Rush Limbaugh. Don't make stupid comments about Rush when you don't listen to his radio broadcasts. I may not listen to them all, but I now at least listen to it when I can.

    And I hope you do realize that Whoopi is a moderate and leans Republican in her positions, but I bet you'll think she's a liberal. Idiots.

  22. MG ~ Once again, where was I at fault? I still am not seeing a clear explanation. I don't think it's intelligent for people to make comments on issues when they aren't aware of more than one side, which is why you all can be highly annoying. But I enjoy listening to your leftist mentality....it further strengthens my own opinions. :)

  23. ... Am I wrong or did Joy say like just a few weeks ago when Obama was on the late night show that he isnt funny and that he has bad delivery...

    Anyway, Is anyone else bored of them talking about stuff that has no relevance at all like who was laughing at jokes and if it's ok...

  24. To Anonymous @ 4:48pm:
    Cancer is not caused by addiction. Open a basic biology book. Second-hand smoke can cause lung cancer in individuals that have never smoked. There are people that stopped smoking (i.e., break their addiction) that still develop lung cancer, and there are those that smoke their whole life and never get it. Things such as smoking and tanning only increase the probability of initiating events that cause cancer to develop. Where's the addiction in breast cancer (20-30% of women) or prostate cancer (50% of men)? Etc...etc...idiot.

  25. As a first time voter and college student, me and many of my peers often laugh in the faces of the recruiting members of GOP groups that come to our school trying to recruit. We laugh at them due to the fact that the Republican Party is sooooooo out of touch. (As this clip proves my point)

    Instead of highlighting any issues of substance, in their folly they choose to talk about mustard -burgers, comedians, and how the President is un-American.
    Note to all Conservatives * tossing around the word “socialism” or trying to use scare tactics will only make your party all the more obsolete. This is due to the fact that unlike generations of the past, young people today have access to information outside of the clip and paste world of FOX NEWS and bias reporting of MSNBC.

    That being said, I voted or Mr. Obama due to his positions on healthcare, education, the environment, and energy. All of which are issues that the GOP either refuse to acknowledge or try to spin as if they are NOT real issues at all. Instead of mastering in problem solving, you’ all counter with trying to use salient issues such as gay marriage, abortion, church and state, or in this case, LAUGHTER, to try create division.

    And believe it or not, new voters could care less about gay marriage -as many of us have gay friends, or abortion -as many of our friends/your daughters, have secretly had them, church and state- as we do believe there should be a division (as outlined in our CONSTITUTION), mustard- as many of us enjoy it, comedians/ LAUGHTER -as some things are indeed funny, or even SOCIALISM -as we KNOW the definition of the word.


  26. OHHHH Elizabeth........get a grip.....Wanda Sykes took it to far with the Limbaugh joke......she knew what she did!!!! But hell.....she was funny!!! :)

  27. yadayadayadayadayadayada

    RON PAUL AND PETER SHCHIFF!!! love those people.......obama and rush limbaugh or wateva not so much

  28. People just need to calm down. In my opinion Wanda was funny and didnt say anything near as nasty as some of the stuff Rush has said in the past. Lets keep it friendly folks :)

  29. I have read ALL of the previous comments and i must say..i agree with the majority! Wanda is a funny comedian. She was invited to do her job, making people laugh! Comedians push the envelope ALL the time, Your not one of the BEST if you haven't done it at least once in your career! As far as Eliz, once again she took an innocent opportunity to throw fire on Barack. And even is Wanda's joke did go too far, that STILL has NOThing to with the President. Plus, she wasnt even there, and even stated in her own argument that she didn't know if he was laughing hysterically or just chuckled or smiled. She needs to accept that Barack is President and get over it!

    P.S. i love Sherri. Her flip cam segment was too funny. Especially when she found out that dude was Single and how she was standing behind Tom Cruise! lmao

  30. Bill O'Reilly is an ass. He constantly misrepresents facts and ignores history. I've seen his show. He often says things without referencing it or by taking it out of context. I wouldn't comment on something that I don't know about. Bloggers and other commentators always have to keep the untrue things O'Reilly says in check. I'm embarrassed that we graduated from the same University.

  31. oh please rush is a liberal racist ignorant fool! good he needs someone to tell the truth!

  32. I am sick of this lipstick bigotted B defending of a fellow blowhard bigotted fool and other like minded neocon fools. Her being offended by Obama smiling as Wanda Sykes said her comments on Limbaugh B please spare me. I haven't forgot her lil RNC diss she did of Michelle last year so she got some kind of nerve to talk on comments. Furthermore as much mud that Boss Limbaugh has slung in his two decades of offensive, divisive and bigotted commentary on talk radio it's good to see someone call him out on his words.

    I tell you Dizzy Lizzy's true hypocritical neocon bigotted colors just continue to keep shining thru!!

  33. anon "college student" 7:23 really said it best. thank god!

  34. Elisabeth didn't make any sense. Elisabeth said there was nothing wrong with Wanda's joke. If so then why is it a big deal if he laughed or not? why is she flipping out of an endorsement of a joke if there is nothing wrong with the joke?

  35. Elizabeth is always fighting a losing battle. If she thinks she is doing the RNC any justice by CONSTANTLY whining and trying to defend them when no defense is required, she's clearly misguided.

    As for the jokes, some were inappropriate. Granted, Sykes is a comedian. Being funny is her job. However, I'm sure she realised when and where she screwed up and crossed the line from being funny to being unnecessarily offensive.

    Whoopi's a breath of fresh air. The voice of reason!

  36. SHUT UP ELISABETH!! SHUT THE F UP! OMG... can they please kick her out and get McCain's daughter in as a regular...?

  37. Jaui I LOVE U BECAUSE I FEEL THE SAME WAY and want Meghan to have a permanent seat on The View myself!!!!

  38. Hmmm, I just don't find her funny! I don't find her offensive, and don't think anyone should take her seriously but I just don't find it funny at all! The only thing I found funny was the Sarah Palin joke - ha ha, halarious, it's just annoying how miuch she laughed after it!

  39. I can't stand somebody who doesn't get a joke. Saying I want your Kidney's to fail isn't the same as wishing death on somebody. You can survive kidney failure. Second, it was a play of limbaugh's line, so it was meant as a play off his words. Third, if you are offended by a joke that uses 9/11 as its background, then the terrorists have beaten you. Finally, if you are offended by what a comedian says, you have no business going to see a comedian.

  40. Thanks Ediva75! It's so obvious that she would be a better fit...

    I just managed to watch Wanda's bit and I think she was funny as hell! I agree with most here, people who take comedians THAT seriously shouldn't really be watching in the first place. Comedians always push that line and yes, sometimes it goes a bit too far, but as Whoopie said, it was a light hearted evening for laughs and giggles - nothing serious and it's just supposed to be a good time.

    Seriously, at least Obama has a sense of humour! You Americans should consider yourself lucky to have a President like him! I'm in Malaysia and we have someone who was up in a murder trial as a suspect as Prime Minister (by default)!

  41. When Liberals were upset with the Bush policies, they wanted him to change his ways to spare the country.

    When the neo-cons get upset with the Obama policies, they hope that the country fails so that everyone can suffer.

    And people wonder why the Republicans lost the last election.
