
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hot Topics: The 911 tape released in the Gates incident; Michael Jackson's doc administered Propofol night before death; Michael Vick to return to NFL? Port Chester High School to offer free STD and pregnancy testing


  1. Oh my!,did you see that look Whoopi gave Elizabeth??Yikes!!

  2. Urgh!!! I really wanted to know what Whoopi was going to say. Why can't Elizabeth and Barbara just shut the f*** up?!!!

  3. 1.) She wasn't a "neighbor"
    2.) He arrived from China the day before

    People still can't get the facts straight.

  4. Oh Elisabeth. If I ever have kids and we are in the unfortunate situation of not having a good relationship with each other. And they think they have an STD or are pregnant I would want them to be able to go to their school and take a free test. If they can't tell the parents, at least they can find out at school what's going with their bodies! It's like Whoopi says: something like this would not come up if it wasn't needed for some people.

  5. Joy is being badly missed today. If she was there Elisabeth wouldn't have spoiled the show. Oh well... And Barbara - what a bore! ZZzzzz

  6. honestly I dont really like Hasselbeck but If my child took a test without my permisson and i didnt kno and they were underaged I would be pissed at hell. The Goverment should take away parental responsibility

  7. OK I'm just gonna say, I don't like Elisabeth, BUT, BUT BUT BUT! Hear me out. I don't like when they gang up on her either. Barbara always makes it sound like that! I hate it! She's like, "What *we're* saying is..."

    If it were Dick Cheney go ahead and bully that douche anytime. But Elisabeth seems nice and want to make a civil discussion.

  8. Elisabeth seems to want to derail each and every conversation, yelling her point louder than everyone else.

    Me thinks Whoopi was pissed at her constant interruptions and cut off the conversation because there is just no point in talking to that dim witted bobble head. She just won't listen to anyone!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. On occasions I enjoy what Whoopi has to say, but I'm starting to believe she is completely and totally narcissistic! Firstly, I'm wondering how she can tell us what age our child goes from being a kid to an adult??? 14 and under? really?? This comes from a woman who thinks it's okay for kids to curse? No! I definitely would never consider her a credible source for parenting advice! Then she gives demeaning looks and throws a fit, like today, when she can't have her say, like a little child! I've been in academic & political debates, you encounter people who interrupt you...but you don't handle it with a tantrum!
    Then to the poster above, "Joke"(I had to make a correction b/c you said you didn't have children, I thought you did!)...Like you stated, there are many parents who have no open communication with their children..that's another topic, BUT what Elizabeth is saying is let the parent know what is going on, what tests are being performed on their kids..If kids feel they need to go get tested, fine, but I want to know what the heck is going on at that school with my child..If they're being bullied, sleeping in class, not turning in work, failing, skipping classes, drugs being found, AND being tested for STD/pregnancies..Maybe they should provide counseling as they're letting parents know...But this "don't ask, don't tell" mentality toward parents is not right

  11. To Nicole at 6:07 am...
    Watch it over again, the one doing the shouting and bullying is Elisabeth, her ''debate skills'' are no such thing; she uses snooty remarks and talks over everyone usually and today's clip was a great example! Did you not notice she literally interrupted EVERYONE today? Sherri couldn't finish, Barbara couldn't finish and Whoopi on several occasions in the same sentence! Come on! I can understand you being a fan of Elisabeth but she uses FOX ''news'' style attacks (not true debate) to make her point. And what about her stance of not letting the child know that the parents have the result? And she has openly stated she would read her children's diaries later, and have their passwords to check their email/social network accounts! She says the same thing about watching over ''your man''. She is simply a control freak who has no morals whatsoever for other ppl's privacy including the ones closest to her. If you are resorting to such tactics, your children will NOT trust you, period! And children know these things. I want to be informed of any tests or vaccines or anything doing with admistrating drugs to my 3 kids but if I fail as a mother to make our relationship that of ultimate trust and my kids cannot come to me... I want them to be able to get tested for STDs and/or pregnancy. And by the way Woopi did not ''decide'' that kids under 14 are kids it is a legal status in family law. It is the same in Canada, if however the kid is under 16 and further testing/medication or procedures need to be undertaken then parents are notified... I think it is a good thing because this is a medical issue and what is the most important is not how the parent feels guilty about what it says of their parenting ability but rather the health of the teenager. Some treatments for STDs are quite simple but if left untreated they can have disastrous consequences, it would be selfish to let that happen because a parent wants to micro-manage every aspect of their child's life! And to do it secretly and dishoneslty to boot, having all the adults in the kids life in on this conspiracy knowing every detail without the kids knowledge is just creepy. I remember my pedatrician asking ME if I preferred doing my check up without my mother present the first time after my 14 bday, and I had questions that I wouldn't have been able to ask with her present. Mother was pissed but I felt safe and could ask anything without worrying about her reaction. Doctors and nurses jobs are to take care of health issues not deal with parental insecurities. If your kid won't talk to you, you have nobody to blame but yourself!

  12. AMEN khartoum78!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. goodness gracious me! bitsy's so very difficult to have a discussion with... so rude of her to keep interrupting. she should know very well that each of them are given time to speak - she should wait for her turn and let others finish their turn to speak... grrr!

    anyway, thanks for making my day (and everybody else's day) for sharing with us The View :))

  14. Thanks Allen! I don't understand why children are considered a different species... It is not Man, Woman oh and child. Children are just small men and women with less experience that we have to educate and inform so that they can blossom into adulthood with a better advantage then we had. They deserve the same respect and diplomacy we bestow on adults. Spying on them, controlling them and neglecting their basic human rights is just not the way to go. They are the futere after all, no sense in messing them up and then they run the show! I'm not a perfect mother nor am I a Stepford wife, but I feel like my participation or ''approval'' are irrelevant when it comes to someone's health. Like I said, if my kids in their teenager years don't feel secure to share with me, I, at least as a mother, want them to get professionals to educate them. Parenthood is not a dictatorship, it is a mutual agreement. The only thing that matters is the children being healthy, balanced and happy

  15. Well said khartoum78!!! What a breath of fresh air to read such a level-headed comment. I wish my parents thought the same way so I wouldn't have had to sneak around back in HS.

    I don't think the Opposition in the peanut gallery know that anonymous testing is *already* available to their children regardless of some parents irrational preferences, and thankfully so.

    Their teen may be sexually active against their wishes. Thus many parents are forcing their child to skip school in order to make a trip to Planned Parenthood, or worse, not even get tested at ALL! When instead the teen could be exercising responsible behavior by getting tested while on their lunch break...at school.

    You can be as conservative as you so desire and still end up with a pregnant teen anyway...

    Wake up and smell the coffee people!
