
Monday, June 1, 2009

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Hot Topics: Whoopi is in London to produce Sister Act the musical; President Obama took First Lady on a date; Babs took an audience vote on Susan Boyle vs Diversity


  1. Ladies, please stop talking about the President like he's God's gift. Alright, so he went to Broadway, get over it. I thought Elisabeth was very mindful of everything. The difference between Obama and Bush is clear when it comes to "vacations"....Bush still worked during his. Who cares if he takes his wife out to a dinner, my gosh. I just find it odd that the man tells us to be more mindful of spending, then splurges on this trip for himself. Was Blockbuster out of DVD's? I can't wait for this man & his "gifted" family to be gone in 3 more years!!!!

  2. Bush was constantly on vacation on his ranch, so no wonder he had to work eventually.

  3. Is that your only line of defense? Blaming Bush for everything? Hahahaha

  4. Anon@ 2:26.... Sorry... I guess since we now have a President that can actually form a sentence, we tend to get a little over excited. Please forgive us.... LMAO

  5. @Anonymous 2:26

    I am so glad Obama won. The next four years will be a wonderful dream. Do you know where I can get an "I love Obama" t-shirt?

  6. its never too late to drink the Obama-kool-aid anon 2:26!

  7. OMG!!! what's the big deal... all presidents used air force one for official and un-official trips and tax payers have always payed for its usage. it's nothing new.. so people should stop freaking out. it's a non issue.

    he probably helped in the sale of more tickets for the play and letting the public know about the restaurant they dined in.. brought more exposure and customers. he's helping the tourism industry.. so please naysayers stop bitching

  8. Yes Anon @ 3:49 & 4:01, it must be nice to have someone that can form a sentence versus spend his time with an intern in the oval office. And let's not even enter into the whole Gore "I invented the Internet" statement.

    This is why liberals have no defense. They read a comment, then try to defend a point not brought up.

    Please tell me POLICY that the man has enacted that is here to benefit tax payers. I will agree with the credit card bill for teenagers. Can I please have some more examples????

  9. Anon @ 6:58...your only problem is that you think it's only liberals that have no defense. If libs have no defense, conservatives have negative defense. Please tell me one POLICY Bush has enacted that is here to benefit tax payers. They are both horrible parties, but one is clearly more inept.

  10. Anon @ 8:18:

    And since you didn't clarify which one was more inept, I will assume that you mean the democratic party.

    We currently have a government that is fascist-centered. Yes, I know what the main pretense of fascism is. You can look to GM for an example of this. I have no problem with people finding fault with Bush. What I have a problem with is the voracity with which individuals talk about him. Such vulgarity on the part of moderate-to-liberal individuals. Of course it's on both sides, against Bush, against Obama...but predominantly the harshness is coming from moderates or liberals.

    The fact that you all want to pay out of your pockets for everything is beyond me.

  11. Imagine 3 months from now terrorists kill 2,726 citizens on our soil, and instead of going after those who attacked us President Obama decided to invade a country that had nothing to do with it. But before doing that, he approved torture to get the false information needed to persuade the public. In the process, 4,307 US soldiers died and 100,591 innocent foreign civilians are killed. A few years later, a hurricane ravages a large US city killing roughly 2,000 people and it takes days for the government to show up (Obama eats a cake on the day it happens). Then imagine Obama ends his 8-year term with an economic collapse comparable to the market crash of 29.

    Now please try to tell me the Republicans would keep their mouths shut if that happened. There's a reason most of the harshness comes from the liberals--Bush led the country into the ground for 8 years, not 5 months. Obama would have to do all the things mentioned previously to even begin comparing to Bush.

  12. Anon at 8:58:

    Simply put: PERFECTLY SAID!

  13. Bravo Anon@8:58

    I wished you put a name to your lovely post

  14. Anon @ 8:58:

    Do you not get that Obama is sending more troops in? Seriously, get over the war, get over the interrogation and deal in the present.

    I don't want to have to pay your bills 5-10 years from now. Maybe if you started to understand how tax policy and governmental control worked, I might take what you had to say into consideration, but seriously....your argument is tired. Move on.

  15. I love that Olbermann dated Ingraham in the 90s....hahahaha

  16. why did you block me on youtube? lol

    Just wondering(or do you block everyone so noone comments there?! curious..thanks!)

  17. am i the only one sick and tired of the endless coverage of what the first lady and the presidents do? i mean, there's just too much PR blitz from the white house and i am just sick of this obama-lovin. i supported him and am so glad he won, but this brown nosing has got to stop.

    now i know why the republicans called him a 'celebrity' in the campaign...instead of focusing on the real problems at hand, all we have to talk about is their date? who the hell cares? deal with the deficit and economic turmoil already....geez...
