
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chef Food
"Will Whoopi Eat Vegetables?" with Chef Tyler Florence


  1. I love the squash and cauliflower ideas for pasta sauces! What's also good is roasted tomatoes and peppers :)

  2. Whoopi = despicable

  3. Madison Grace5/27/09, 3:09 PM

    How can Whoopi still be alive when she doesn't eat veggies? It boggles the mind!

  4. learn to love your vegetables fresh from the ground

    ...no wonder black people die early.

  5. TO: Anonymous 6:22pm

    Get your head out-of-the ground!!

    Whoopie is an individual who just happens to be female and black. We are not all cut out-of-the same mold. I a black and grew up eating vegetables. A number of poor blacks do not have not advantage, because vegetables can be very expensive and is not encouraged in the poorer neighborhoods.

  6. I don't know what black ppl you are talking about, you racist ignoramus! My grand-father died at 109, oh and he's black. Actually in my family, everybody makes it to the late 80s.

    Americans die early due to bad habits and lack of variety in their diets, more of a socio-economic thing than racial thing...

  7. tweetypiebabe15/27/09, 8:10 PM

    You effing ignorant ass!!! What the hell do you know? I have family that's lived well into their 80s and 90s and I know many others who have as well!!

    Black people die early for a lot of reasons un related to our choice of diet most number one the fact that the pigment of our skin is dark.

    Ugh it grieves me that there are still ignorant assholes like you. Whoopi is quite healthy for her age remember they did that heart scan and shit before and she's living life just fine. How u doing? Get it together!

  8. Foods don't cost a lot of money...people just think portion sizes are bigger than they should be. Portion control, veggies, exercise, etc..

    Whoopi = tacky

  9. being black is not an excuse for being unhealthy! whoopi is despicable and plain rude to her guests

  10. whoopie can come off very imature sometimes
    i mean really what is she 12 having to eat her veggies?
    those faces are silly

  11. I say eat whatever the hell you want. Whoopi can do whatever she wants to do so get over it. You can't control anyone except yourself. The producers pushed this on her. Screw all of you who say people need to fit into a box.

  12. I don't want to pay for Whoopi's health care!!!

  13. is she not rich?

  14. thank you so much for the vid.. i love cooking shows.

  15. thank you lester for the vids... i love you.

  16. thanks for the vid... love you.
