
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

teen pregnancy
Hot Topics: kudzui, website for childrens games; Bristol Palin on teen pregnancy


  1. whoopie is in a good mood today

    oh boy liz defends the palin's way to much
    before palin she was all for abetsince programs

  2. gosh the palin household.. especially sarah palin are big time HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!.. first on greta van susteren bristol says abstinence isn't realistic, then now that she's been offered money and a national campaign ad... she's all of preaching abstinence. mom most have tried to stuff her "values" down her throat...lol

    gosh EH would defend anything that comes out of palin's mouth... it's disgusting

  3. i agree with 3:19. kind of annoying how bristol is preaching abstinence now when she said it wasn't realistic just a few months ago... do as i say, eh?
