
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

T-Mobile FamilyTime
Hot Topics: Jon & Kate Plus 8 season premiere grabs huge ratings; President Barack Obama today made his first nomination of a US Supreme Court justice choosing Judge Sonia Sotomayor of New York


  1. It would've been nice if they had've mentioned Prop 8 instead of that bloody family with their 8 kids! Also, Sherri's stupidity never ceases to amaze me - just because something is a liquid doesn't mean it doesn't contain fibre; that drink would contain lots of fibre! As regards to Elisabeth, I don't know what she is getting on her high horse for - all Supreme Court Justices throughout history have been chosen because of their ideologies and their partisan allignment - they aren't impartial!

  2. Elisabeth needs to diaf.

  3. Yeah, not even a sliver of a mention of Prop 8?

    Eliz is just repeating the talking points made by Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson. Sotomayor was nominated by Bush 41. She's a liberal-leaning moderate. The Republicans are just going to have to live with that. Her supposed reverse-racist comment has been taken completely out of context when she was talking about her life experience as a judge.

    She's going to get confirmed. The far right are just naysaying another one of Obama's decisions.

    Also, empathy means empathy! Heaven forbid a Justice has a soul!

  4. It would be nice if Elisabeth would explain the context of the quote she keeps citing.. it sure makes it look like she hasn't read the speech and is just puking up talking points when she doesn't explain herself... especially when Whoopi hits her with a counter point and she doesn't have enough information to dispute it.

  5. Bush didn't want her, a democrat did and they cut a deal.

    That fire dept shit is ridiculous though. So what they were all white guys. If theiy're the best guys for the job, give it to them.
    I know if my kids needed rescuing, I would want the best guys not some schmuck who only got the job because of his/her color.

    Law is law. You don't get off with something just because you're a poor minority lesbian or a rich white guy. The same ruling should apply.

  6. I don't see why they would talk about Prop 8. There's nothing to talk about with it.

    As a future law student, I agree with Elisabeth in the fact that justices shouldn't have empathy. All people have a soul so it's crazy to use that as a deciding factor. A justice should rule on what is law, not what is their personal preference.

    As for the New Haven case, I have no problem with her ruling the way in which she did. That was a matter of law vs. personal preference. I have a personal judgment against abolishing any such law that would hold back a race because of diversity issues, especially for police or fire departments. I agree with Anon @ 2:03 pm...when you need rescuing, you don't care about the person's skin color. You care about them being the best they can be. The fact that people don't see this as a reverse race discrimination case boggles my mind.

  7. Elizabeth seems to be pulling small quotes way out of context! I do not even know what the entire speech was about. She takes out a couple of words and extrapolates extreme ideas.

  8. decisions shouldn't be based on emotions or RELIGION....since it's all speculation!! and b/s

  9. The GOP predicatably denounces EVERY decision Obama makes. They are so jealous, angry and full of hate. And poor Eizabeth is spoon-fed information from the Fox Commentators. She doesn't even know what she is talking about half the time.

    This is Off Topic: Saw Elizabeth on QVC presenting HER "original" designs?! I have seen these same outfits for the past couple of years.

  10. So by Elisabeth's logic it's completely unacceptable to make decisions based on emotions, but its fine to do so based on faith and religion as the last administration did?

    This is such a non issue as its pretty clear she will be approved. All the republicans are doing are making themselves look even more petty by grasping at straws and taking some of this woman's quotes completely out of context and further isolating potential Hispanic voters which is the last thing they should be doing since they need all the supporters they can get give that only 20% of the country identify themselves as part of their pathetic little party.

    No matter who Obama appointed unless they were an ultra right wing conservative, they would have disapproved. Interesting that they are calling Sonia Sotomayor a reverse racist when their party is based on and continues to espouse intolerant ideologies and bigotry towards minority groups such as gay people.

  11. I told someone yesterday if Obama picked Jesus the Repubs would have a problem.

    The conservatives and the Republican party are completely in the toilet. Let Limbaugh continue to be their spokesperson and they'll go down even further. Which serves them right considering what they did to this country.

    FYI, Carl Rove was quoted as saying at a debate with Carville and Charlie Rose that he knows alot of dumb people who went to Ivy League schools (in the context that Sotomayor may not be that smart)..

    If I had been in that audience I would have yelled "oh yeah, does that include W"?

    Greedy whackos, all of them. And poor Elisabeth, a puppet for the party.

    She really is becoming exactly like her charicature on SNL

  12. If you do google search for Rob Dreher and Sotomayor, you can see an apology by the blogger who first took Sotomayor's speech out of context, nothig that once he read her speech in context, he was fine with it. You can also see a good Mother Jones article with the speech in context. She was basially saying that how we are raised does affect their view of the world, and it's a simpe fact - even Alito has said as much. Yet, she also talks about striving to put aside her prejudices, to transcend them, striving for neutrality. I think Elizabeth needs to apologize, live, on national tv.

  13. Go Joy! so much sense.

  14. You all are just Republican haters. Get some new hobbies. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Wow! Elizabeth is amazingly annoying.

  16. Elizabeth is such a mindless drone who is incapable of self-induced thoughts. She just regurgitates what others thought. She sickens me.

    But, aside from that... why does Whoopi start off sounding drunk???

  17. is it me or jon, as he put on weight, looks like he have downs syndrome?

  18. Elizabeth needs to go and read a book or something, instead of reciting quotes taken out of context whilst ignoring the 17 year long career that Sotomayor has.

    Black people and other of non-caucasian ethnicities have lived under the laws of the land dictated predominantly by white people, even when the laws were highly prejudiced against them. So it is ridiculous to expect that experiences do not have an impact in shaping peoples opinions regardless of their occupation. Sotomayor's experiences have not negatively impacted her decision making for 17 years so I see no reason why it should start to now.

  19. You guys are so clueless. No judge should EVER make a decision outside of the scope of the law, despite their ethnicity or life experiences. This is why laws and precedents were created. Decisions need to be made in the scope of the law, otherwise they have become personalized and that is not the duty of the judge. Laws were created to keep individuals safe.

    Nothing Elisabeth says is false. You may not think that she sounds smart when saying it, but my gosh, when you have 3-4 individuals talking against you (with Whoopi always giving her 50 cents), you're not going to sound smart. Just like many times the other ladies aren't going to sound smart. It's stupid to tackle an issue like they were with the time-slot they were given. I watch this show purely as entertainment. I don't like Joy. I don't like Whoopi. But I do like Sherry & Elisabeth. When Barbara is on, she slows the pace of the show down. But by no means, do I think that Elisabeth is some sounding board on Republican ideology. And yes, I'm a Republican and would never not want to be a Republican. I'm fiscally conservative and socially conservative. I am a future law student and I believe in private school education and giving back to community via volunteering. I believe that each individual is in control of their actions. I don't want my money to be YOUR money. Therefore, when I'm listening to TRUE Republican individuals, I look to our politicians. The fact that you all tend to look at political COMMENTATORS is just beyond confusing. Do I listen to Rush, Newt, Hannity, O'Reilly and beyond? Sure. I listen to all sorts. I also listen to Wolf Blitzer, Lou Dobbs and Chris Matthews. I like to soak in all sorts of information. Our media is so brainwashed by Obama that it's insane. It's clear how little the media actually cares about his policy by Obama's press engagements. I mean seriously, look at the NY Times. Why do you think papers like the NY Times and other left-targeted newspapers have low readership? Is it because people are reading things electronically through a multitude of internet sources? Sure. But the major reason is that Republicans and conservative/Libertarians are the individuals that keep up on the news. You can't ask most Democrats questions because they wouldn't know the answer. Therefore newspapers like the NY Times aren't going survive because they're so liberal that who's going to read it?

    Stop fawning over Obama and please tell me one good thing he has done for job creation or anything economy-related? I would seriously like to know because that, as a nation, should be our #1 focus right now.

  20. I am so tired of liz just repeating Fox News talking points, with no context or facts to back it up.... The fact is, no matter WHO Obama picked the right would have had a problem with it....and to think that any judge is going to be completly "by the book" is crazy, they all have their own opinions of what the law means. if they didnt they would always agree. I really think the whole point was rather mut. Im ready for her to go on baby leave lol. I personally hope in Obamas two terms (there will be two) he get to appoint more judges, to undo some of the horrible things that have been made into law

  21. You can't ask most Democrats questions because they wouldn't know the answer. Therefore newspapers like the NY Times aren't going survive because they're so liberal that who's going to read it.

    WOW you know most Democrats, sounds a bit silly to stereotype most people that you have never met before. Then again you did say you are a Republican.

  22. Anonymous @ 8:32:

    There is a difference between deciding OUTSIDE THE SCOPE of the law and the fact that the way someone grew up is going to be a part of who they are and "influence" them to a certain degree in ANY job. You're also going to hear your professors talk about the policy behind the law from time to time, depending on what class you are in and what kind of a professor you may have - and yet all of that is still within the bounds of the law, especially on an appeals court.

  23. Anonymous @ 8:32

    A couple more things - Elizabeth IS a conservative SOUNDING BOARD (and nothing more), especially when she grabs a quote out of context that every single other conservative dittohead has been spewing, and especially when it gets to the point where even the person originating the out-of-context quote has to apologize because he FINALLY read the quote IN CONTEXT and it does not mean what he thinks it means. She didn't take the time to research the quote, so it is on HER. Regarding the economy - it's called stimulus spending - it's what got us out of the Great Depression - might want to read up on it.

  24. Hahaha Anon @ 12:12 pm & 12:15 pm:

    They don't research on the show at all. Duh. So the fact that she didn't research it has no bearing.

    And I said to tell me something that is helping the economy that is NOT government-related. And I don't mean construction firms or contractors. I mean tell me where Obama has grown small businesses. Read what I say more closely before making useless comments.

    And do you have your law degree? Is this how you know how professors will teach?

    I love this site because it really shows the overly-opinionated nature of LIBERAL America (and abroad) because every point that I, as a conservative make, is attacked. Liberals are such children. I can't wait for the Republicans to beat your party next year and then another 2 years after that. :)

  25. Anonymous @ 12:49

    If they don't do the research, then they shouldn't be pulling out random quotes which seem to be obviously out of context.

    Regarding the economy, here is that specific part of your statement:
    "Stop fawning over Obama and tell me one good thing he has done for job creation or anything economy-related? I would seriously like to know, because that, as a nation, should be our #! focus right now"
    Don't see anything in there limiting it to something that is NOT government-related. By the way, Obama's tax plan will help small business as well as the middle-class - perhaps you didn't read it during the campaign?

    Yes, I do have my law degree

    You think THIS is a typical liberal site? Some are liberal, some aren't, some of the liberals on here read more than others - which goes to my next point - I didn't address this earlier, but your comment about liberals NOT reading and NOT knowing the answer to any question made me laugh. Ms. Palin couldn't even answer what newspapers she read. The conservative blogger had to apologize after taking Judge Sotomayor's statement out of context. Elizabeth drank the Kool-aid and trotted out the out-of-context statement like it was gospel from God. I'm not trying to attack you, simply trying to get you focused on ACTUAL FACTS, something conservatives aren't very interested in. Unfortunately you'll have to deal w/facts a lot in law school - by the way, what school are you going to? Liberty?

  26. If you have your law degree and are commenting on this site, then you must not be working at a prestigious law firm on the Vault 100.

    Haha so making say $20-40 or whatever it is (I'm not working right now so I'm not in the "right" to fully know) to a paycheck is significantly making a dent in the economy? I read what you speak of in his campaign...I'm just waiting for things to actually HAPPEN. How about this bailout? Did that work? Was that smart? I want to know who in their right mind, thinks taking corporation or creating more government-funded programs is smart? Because that's just a misguided individual.

    When I go to law school and graduate, you won't find me commenting on blogs like this. I'm sure you and I have different intentions with our law degrees. Thank goodness. :)

    Please go back to work and stop wasting someone's money with your billable hours.

    Also, if I were to take the content of most comments here in terms of LSAT language...most are liberal, some are purely random posts...but I see little conservative nature here being discussed, yet like I said before, when someone says something with a conservative undertone, that person is HARPED on because that's what liberals do. Look at your paragraphs where instead you could be working or volunteering your time. Instead, you wish to make yourself look like an un-versed liberal that takes conservative COMMENTATORS at full force.

    I don't care if the Judge gets passed through. She probably will. I don't think that Republican politicians see this as a major issue. We'll see going forward. It's individuals like YOU, that hop onto some bandwagon, that make it some bigger issue. Get over political entertainers and commentators and go back to your job. My gosh.

  27. Oh and btw, how about government sending checks to people that are dead? How's that for government regulation? Or what about the stimulus projects that are UNNECESSARY? I am proud of the states that don't see the necessity for taking the money.

    Seriously people, why don't YOU live on a budget?

  28. anonymous: 1:15

    ahahahaha...you're right, he probably doesn't work in a v100 firm. they work you like a mule and any free time u have, which is not spent schmoozing to partners at receptions and dinners, is spent either drinking or sleeping. with that being said, I don't see anything wrong w/ working @ a v100 law firm and being on here -- the view is entertaining and the little time I have to myself will be spent vegging out and deflating. so u shouldn't talk.

  29. My problem would be that a V100 law firm isn't going to let you on a site like this.

    And we're alloweed to talk. That's why we live in America. I'm young so I've only seen the secretarial side of a V100 firm. Love it. But my major was basically networking 101 so that probably helped. :)

    And I know of lawyers at top firms that have normal lives, it's not that. My argument is just that you wouldn't be on here except for say, late evening...not during the day. Oh well. To each his or her successful own...well maybe not in this presidency.

  30. From Sweden - with love5/28/09, 2:02 PM

    1. The Bailout came through while The Bush administration were in office. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was implementated by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson with support of Bush. So it’s quite funny when republicans blame Obama for so called “socialism”

    2. The job of the Supreme Court justices is not just to interpretate the law but to read in the spirit of previous cases. That is why diversity is important.

    3. Intellectual people will not diminish other people. Intellectual people will not make comments like: ”When I go to law school and graduate, you won't find me commenting on blogs like this” I will also say that comments like that are very disrespectful against Lester that makes this blog happen.

  31. actually, you're right -- having a chunk of your billing statement say "onine surfing" would be a no no

  32. Anonymous @ 1:15 and 1:33:

    One last comment. True, I don't work at a v100 firm - that is because I'm studying for the bar and decided to take a break. Assumptions can get you into trouble in law school :) I am hardly unversed, I could discuss all kinds of topics with you all day if I had the time. I'm interested in politics and on facts, which is why I responded - I was hardly going "full force" or "attacking" anyone though, simply pointing out the lack of Elizabeth's knowledge, as well as yours.

    Regarding the bailout - you mean the bailout Bush started at the end of his Presidency and Obama had to continue in order to stop a complete breakdown of the economy? Do you even know the causes behind the financial market collapse? Look up the Gramm - Leach - Bliley Act and Commodities Futures Modernzation Act.

    One more thing - your comment about dead people and "unnecessary" projects - please provide proof that it was going to dead people - you're going to have to start learning how to show proof for your statements (except if you're going to Liberty).

  33. Anon @ 5:41 pm:

    Hahaha Obama didn't have to continue a darn thing. Elisabeth doesn't need knowledge...it's called a viewpoint. Seriously. Get some hobbies.

    Watch any news source that is not liberal and you will hear/see the proof. I'm not going to waste my time looking for something that you feel the need to attack again. I have more important things to do than worry about some non-vault lawyer. :)

    Why would you equate an assumption about an entertainment show to law school. So trivial.

  34. Also 5:41 pm:

    Since you're spending all your time studying for the bar, maybe your time would be well-spent working out or de-stressing yourself with a bubble bath than talking to a young, future law school student. But who knows, you're allowed to pick your priorities.

  35. Btw...what state are you from and what was your undergraduate degree in? Or did you get in because of affirmative action?

  36. i love how conservative republican posters on this site can do nothing but demean people.............can you say "LOSERS"?????

    so bitter, so bitter! shouldn't your party be focusing on how it will win the next election rather than tearing down other people?

  37. There is nothing bitter in my words. :) It's not my fault that you will have to see things from living through them yourself. Just because you want a government paycheck, doesn't mean I need your money. :)

  38. elisabeth is arguing on the basis that only a white judge can make an impartial, emotion-free decision. but she doesn't realize it, which is the most hilarious part.

    i'm sure she agrees that there should be a wide range of races represented on the supreme court... but only if they have had the life experiences of an upper-middle class white person and thus can make non-empathetic rulings.

    yes i am as white as they come. and YES i believe that elisabeth is full of you know what.

    also, to that one anonymous poster who says that liberals are childish and blah blah blah (...get it?), i should just let you know that as an outsider (i'm canadian), i can tell you for certain that a good 90% of the rest of the world sees american conservatives (at least ones like you who complain in public forums and guys like limbaugh and such) as sinking quickly and outrageously desperate.

    liberals are childish? why don't you and your buddies go cry some more about how it's the liberal media that is the root of all your problems and that it just isn't fair! *tear*

    it is hilarious to watch, though.

  39. Who cares about these two morons (Jon & Kate). Who would watch it!
