
Monday, May 18, 2009

cell phone family plans
Hot Topics: Obama's commencement address at Notre Dame


  1. Hot Topics WEEK? Sounds like heaven. That's basically why I watch the show.

  2. @ anonymous 12.17PM I totally agree!

  3. Joy made alot of valid points in the beginning! I do however think Whoppi has to stop shouting over people and presuming she knows everything - I believe Sherri when she said she was pushed into having an abortion!

  4. Whoopi owned! If you're against abortion, gay marriage and whatever else it might be, don't have an abortion or marry a gay person, but let the people who would like to have that choice have it!

  5. Whoppi had a baby when she was 18 and that didn't ruin her life (in fact she became a very successful actress afterwards, as we all know), so I don't know why she's implying that if Sherri had've had a baby at 17 that it would've been a mistake!

  6. maybe because Sherri didn't want the baby. There's a difference between a teenage mother that has a baby that she wants and one that has the baby & grows to resent him/her.

  7. To ANONYMOUS 12:44

    Whoppi said it like that because Sherri wasn't reay or mature. Obviously Whoppi was mature and ready at 18.

    Elizabeth totally lost this one. Joy brought it home with the "Pro Choice arguments".

  8. And I forgot to say the Elizabetg was mean when she went on to say that Sherri's aborted baby could have been successful or even the president. That was just giving her more guilt

  9. i wish people would say "see how cool he is..." duh, he's a president...he's supposed to remain calm in situations such as that..other presidents have been in situations where they have to remain level headed in difficult situations before.....

  10. aghhhh lizzie makes me crazy!! she doesn't listen to anything that doesn't agree with her.

  11. that abortion snippet whoopi did was based on wanda syke's standup portion...

  12. Deffinately good comments from JOy about "Pro Life". My religion has strict rules regarding abortion: Its allowed in the first 40 days after conception, after the 40 days only if the mothers life is in danger. Regardless of what my religion says, I totally belief that every woman should have the choice to abort or not. I also believe that the woman who do it it for 'convenience' (OMG, I just had 6 abortions last year) are in the smallest smalles minorities. Elisabeth always likes to mention these as an argument...
    I still remember the story of this 14 (or 15) year old girl that was raped and got pregnant in Ireland. Their law didn't allow her to have an abortion, so she had one outside Ireland. I mean, can anybody blame her? And so many other woman in situations like that?

    Anyways, my 2 cents regarding this subject. Enjoyed the clips tremendously :-)

  13. cant believe sherri blamed planned parenthood for talking her into abortion. at 17, with a child, she probably wouldn't be sitting on the table with the girls...

  14. i'm just waiting for sherri/whoopi blowup like elisabeth and rosie...for the past weeks i noticed how sherri looks pissed when whoopi countered her statements. lol...this will be good.

  15. Sherri said she has had many abortions, was she "pushed" into all of them? Ugh, get the fuck out and take Elisabeth with you. So sick of these fucking retards!

  16. ^^^^ Give some credit, Elisabeth's been lightening up over the past few months.

    The abortion debate is always a difficult one and I think its a discussion that basically needs to come to an end in America. If you don't want one, don't get one, but don't take someone's choice away and attempt to control their life.

  17. There's a simple way to resolve this argument - if you don't like it, don't do it! I'm very pro-choice because no woman should be told what she can and cannot do with her body, especially if she is nowhere near ready to have a kid. I wonder what Elisabitch's views are on abortion in the case of rape and/or incest? Would she guilt trip someone over that too?

  18. @ 1:51... well, this week is the second anniversary of Nuclear Wednesday (Ro and Lizzie's fight), and Sherri was there at the table when it happened... so you never know! LOL!

    Anyway, here are my few cents on the topic/clip. I agree with Joy and Whoopi. Just like no one's telling women they HAVE to have an abortion, no one should be telling women they HAVE to have a baby. It should be their choice.

    As to Sherri's Planned Parenthood comment, I agree with 1:52. She went on record about her many abortions, and now we're supposed to believe she was pushed into all of them? I agree with Whoopi. I don't know what kind of Planned Parenthood counselor would "push" a 17 year old girl into an abortion. Even so, there were clearly other abortions. Were they all forced decisions? Whoopi saying Sherri clearly wasn't ready was accurate in my opinion. She didn't want to have the baby, but the guilt over not wanting have the baby makes her want to blame somebody else. Although, don't get me wrong. Sherri's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I could totally see Sherri getting talked into getting an abortion with that dumb as grin on her face. I just don't believe it happened.

    Elisabeth is a catty bitch. Her little Norte Dame dig is ridiculous. She talks so much shit and acts incredibly high and mighty.

  19. http://www.abortionno.org/Resources/fastfacts.html

  20. Kuddos to Whoopi and Joy! Whoopi almost always makes the points that I'd want to bring up if I was at the table. And Joy was right about "Pro-Life" people being called "Anti-Choice" instead. That makes more sense to me. Good little debate though :)

  21. Madison Grace5/18/09, 2:45 PM


    This debate was interesting. Whoopi was young when she had her daughter, but her mama was there to help raise her. That is certainly a contributing factor. Sherri is always an enigma to me since she has reportably had so many abortions that she must hold some kind of record. She seems two-faced.

  22. and I forgot to mention how I can't stand when Elisabeth and people like her try and say, "you never know who that little baby would have turned out to be". "He could've been the next president like Barack Obama". Oh yeah, I'm sure people like Elisabeth and all those pro-lifers would love another Barack Obama! Lets see how much "love" they have for that baby when he ends up being gay or a Muslim.

  23. As much as I value Sherri's experience of having an abortion, she speaks as though her experience is the same one everyone has. Some people feel guilt, others don't. However I think her feeling guilt over a baby she didn't have is better than feeling guilty about not being able to provide a good living for her kid.

  24. Whoopi and joy owned it all!!. OMG I can't stand sherri and elisabeth. I get so frustrated at them. They don't understand anything, they don't even try to. And the comment elisabeth gave about if sherrie would have had her baby in 17 just cracked me up! So ironic and she knew it when she said it. Elisbeth is so mean!!
    But then i was so glad that whoopi looked sherri right in the eyes and told her the truth!!

  25. abortion is hard ok
    we shouldnt define ourselves as women by what
    we believe when becoming mothers
    we are diverse we are strong and sometimes we have to make hard desions
    to judge women by thier right to choose is turning on one another
    and it drives me crazy bitsy living in a 4 million dollar penthouse
    with a nanny and i sweet job
    judging women for thier choices
    and using the same old line she always does"but what about women getting abortions for conveince"

    just makes me so upset
    it is so obviose that bitsy hasnt ever had to work for nothing
    she is spoiled rotten

  26. Sherri's guilt could stem from her very conservative religious upbringing. It's not fair for her to assume that everyone feels those feelings of guilt.

  27. I'm really sick and tired of Whoopi talking over Sherri and Elizabeth all the time. She barely lets them talk and when they try to cut her and give their two cents, she's like "let me finish, let me finish". I am also sick of the way she talks down to Sherri all the time. She is extremely disrespectful and condescending towards Sherri. Ugh! They need someone outspoken enough on that panel who can counteract Whoopi. Seriously.

  28. i think that sherry was telling the total truth when you go to planned parenthood thay talk to you about a lot of things including safe sex because when i went thay talk to me about sex and useing protection to prevent pregnancy.(go whoopie i agree with you %100)

  29. Mariam the girl actually had a miscarriage before the court decided whether she could or couldn't have an abortion! But you are right that case ( The X case) was a disgrace and there was a lot of public outcry about it! It is still illegal to have an abortion in Ireland and it is only legal in limited circumstances in Northern Ireland - ie. if the woman's life is at risk!

    @3.15pm - Totally agree with you!! Whoppi is a patronising cretin! She thinks she knows it all and she doesn't!

  30. Whoopi and Joy were so right on this. And I love how many Pro-life people (like Elizabeth) are conservatives and support capital punishment and wars like the one in Iraq. If you were pro-life, you would do everything in your power to stop wars. According to that logic, embryos have a life yet soldiers and innocent civilians do not? It is a complete contradiction.

  31. Also to add, I hate people who always say "Oh well you could give it up for adoption." How many people out there actually adopt? Very few. And now we have gay couples who can actually give a loving home to many children yet that is banned in many places. So just throw the kids into the adoption system and just let them age till 18 and then throw them out on the streets on their own. Great situation for the child! (sarcastic)

  32. i love Elisabeth and Sherri go girls :)

  33. I'm getting sick of all these ladies. Joy just goes for cheap laughs if her argument doesn't get applauded, Sherry is dumb as shit, Whoopi is very patronising and Elizabeth is far too set in her ways to actually debate.

  34. 1) I believe Pro-Choice because I have seen too many unwanted and mistreated children.
    2) I also believe in "Pro-Prevention". Unfortunately, an unwanted pregnancy can happen. However, if you REALLY do not want to get pregnant, then take preventative measures.
    2) Whoopi does not make a habit of interrupting the other hosts. But this is one of the topics which she takes personally. I believes that she loves her daughter, but probably would have preferred not having her when she was 18.
    3) Anybody and can talk Sherri into anything! She is not too bright and sounds like she has lived a sex life of shame.
    4) Elizabeth...I stopped paying attention to anything that she says years ago.

  35. I side with joy and the whoopster; if you don't like abortion, don't have one but leave me the freedom to choose.

  36. Look, in an ideal world abortion wouldn't exist. But unless we want hundreds of thousands of women dying in alleys with hooks and hangers sticking out of them then its a neccesary evil.
    I genuinely believe the limit should be lowered A LOT. But that the choice lays with the woman.
    Interestingly, this debate is gonna become a lot more urgent as medical science is able to keep the child alive at younger and younger ages.
    Blah, this debate is like a merry-go-round, just like the debates over divorce, euthanasia, capital punishment etc. etc.
    No one will ever agree with everyone. Its just about creating a system which allows everyone to make THEIR OWN DECISIONS.

  37. The issue here is not whether you are pro-abortion or pro-life. The issue is, "Why do women put themselves in positions in which to get pregnant?" You guys are so misguided with your thoughts on this subject. We are living in a society where men and women don't care about who they give their bodies to. If we respected ourselves and actually made the choice to wait for sex until we had the capacity to care for a child, this would be a non-issue. It's simple: If you don't want a baby, then don't have sex.

    I'm pro-life and I respect myself. I'm sorry that the rest of you lack the tact and self-respect. Maybe one day you will value yourself. But please quit complaining about Elisabeth & Sherri. I was really feeling for Sherri when Whoopi & Joy kept on her about not feeling guilt and pressure from an organization.

    I'm sure you all think ACORN is a stellar organization too. Educate yourself. Seriously.

  38. That's not the point, 5:24 pm: the thing is everyone is not going to abstain from sex before they are ready.

    You can harp all you want about tact and self-respect but the point is some people aren't raised in an environment where self-respect is central. They have to learn it as they get older and progress and make decisions, and an abortion just may be one of those decisions that they have to make. I'm pro-life as well as pro-choice.

  39. sherri should abort herself and this whole issue would be mute.

  40. I don't really understand why having sex before marriage means that you don't respect yourself. I understand in some cases that women do it for the wrong reasons, for validation etc., but apart from that what does it have to do with self respect?

  41. why do people think having sex before marriage equals no respect for self and body? so that little marriage cert automatically redeem your sense of self worth? please, if people are enjoying sexual encounters and doing it for themselves, why should it be disrespectful to self? if they do it to 1) fill a void and thus to be loved, physical intimacy is the only outlet, 2) co-erced into sexual situations, then i'll understand the psychological implications of it..otherwise, sex is a pleasurable experience.

  42. whoopi was pretty uncool making comments like that about whats best for sherri. and if people honestly believe that a 2.5 month old fetus is a human then i respect them for standing up for it. but i think its bs how some of these nutters then put their anti sex education stance in the same place morally. thats all i have to say!

  43. While I have very similar opinions to Whoopi's about this issue, I think she was totally disrespectful to any opposition in this argument. If someone disagrees with you, it's not a sophisticated solution to simply raise your voice until they stop trying to get a word in. And don't tell me "she takes this issue personally". Sherri, as a woman who's actually had abortions has a higher "righteous indignation quota" in this matter and you don't see her trying to dominate the whole discussion. Whoopi was out of line.

  44. Anon at 7.24 - By "educate yourself" do you mean "think like me"? While I am glad that you have such a strong opinion, there is no need to insult the rest of it. Why watch something like The View and read comments on it if you dismiss all opinions that aren't yours as "uneducated"? It's quite rude. State your opinion, but don't trash other peoples' - it makes your arguement and point much weaker, and I for one will be much less inclined to listen.

  45. Anon @ 9:16...the same people that comment on this site, 95% of them voted for Obama so you're not going to listen to sensibility anyways.

    By educate yourself, I mean that people that react to statements said on The View need to go and listen to other political commentators that actually know what they're talking about.

    Also, anon @ 9:16, I said that I come here for laughs because you guys have some pretty crazy ramblings.

    You lose self-respect when you equate sex to happiness. I am talking to a generation of people that are selfish and don't know hard work. Look at how many children remain living with their parents, on their parents' dime, after the age of 25. It's ever increasing.

    And in conclusion, if you don't understand why I have a problem with people have sex so frequently, maybe you need to take a glance at yourself in the mirror and see why you find so much thrill from the act. Are you lacking pleasure in other aspects of your life? Because if you are, I really don't want to have to pay for your illegitimate child.

  46. What an incredibely rude answer!! I never, ever attacked you personally.
    There is so much I could say to you but I have a bit of respect for other people and their opinions, so I will just say this - how dare you act like you know me from a comment on a board. And, I am not in the slightest but interested in your, or anyone else's, sex life so you have no right to but in and share your opinion on mine (which you know absolutely nothing about).

    OK, I was going to not insult you, but you are absolutely pathetic and deserve it.

  47. Hahaha well said Anon at 9:58am

    Anon at 9.50am - quit your bitching. And saying 'I really don't want to have to pay for your illegitimate child.'....that's why we're having this whole abortion debate so that that doesn't have to happen. What's so bad about having sex?! Jeez, if you use protection then you should do what makes you happy. It's not our problem if you're a frigid bitch.

    On another point, Whoopi's daughter had her first child when she was 14 so I think she was referring to that too.

  48. Abortion is murder.... end of story. Fuck Joy's "Anti-Choice" bullshit. This is not about women's rights. It's about whether or not killing an unborn baby is murder. I don't understand why people won't just flat out say it. If they did, then maybe this argument wouldn't be an agrument anymore. Call the pro-choicers what they really are....PRO-MURDERERS

  49. @9.50am isn't getting any - that's why they are bitching! Maybe you would be happier if you got laid!! Those who preach about no sex before marriage are the same people who get married after a few months of meeting someone so they can have sex with them - go figure!

  50. I am not attacking any one person in my comments so if people want to react and take it personally, so be it. But I will say this, when examining conversations or comments, people should understand that you doesn't always mean you, you can be "you" plural. Didn't know I had to explain that to people though. Go figure..haha.

    Anon @ 10:44 am. I totally agree with you. If given only the option of being pro-choice or pro-life, I am pro-life. I don't believe in knowingly or unknowingly killing someone inside of you. However, if we were to have more serious debate, the areas that I would discuss deeper are incest or rape. That's where I think the discussion to begin. My concern is not on abortion itself, but rather the semantics behind the word abortion. I don't think that children at age 14 or women at age 33 should be having sex if they can't support that child. And by supporting a child, I mean emotionally, physically and financially. If you can't be a single woman, that supports herself financially and set up a college fund for the child, then I don't think you should be having sex. There is too much chance in play.

  51. I didn't read through all the comments, but i totally think that whoopi and joy OWNED this argument. I don't think it's because I'm biased, but the argument that pro-lifers should be called anti-choice is golden.

    i think it shows in history that women need the option to have abortions in a safe environment if they choose to do so. there have been many cases in history where women are so scared in a society that doesn't allow abortions that they go to illegal clinics and end up dying or damaging themselves.

    Elisabeth is a moron and uses stupid petty arguments to support what she thinks. I agree with one of the previous posters - imagine if the baby who wasn't aborted became gay or wanted to be Muslim or (shock horror!) and athiest... i wouldn't think she would be so high and mighty then, since she's against most of the things outside her little box view of the world.

  52. You know, if it was men who got pregnant, there would be no arguements over men being "immoral" for having sex, there would be no guilt trips or religious banter, there would be practically none of the arguements used against women. Abortion would have been legal a long long time before it actually happened (voted in by male politicians) and there would be little opposition.

    I stand in the middle but the thing that P.O.'s me the most is how so many people put all this pressure on the woman. How many deadbeat fathers are out there? Where are these boys in taking care of their child? There is such a double standard for men and women, it's freaking rediculous.

  53. I personally don't like the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" because it doesn't provide a middle-ground. If you're going to talk in black or white then the "Pro-lifers" should also include rallying againts fertility clinics and putting those doctors and parents who choose to destroy unused fertilized eggs. I have not seen big outcrys from "pro-lifers" about that issue.

  54. I love Whoopi being all fired up. Joy had a point with the whole "pro-choice"/"anti-choice" thing. I get what they're saying about the "pro-life" slogan-it's pro the life of the child. But still, it can be very misleading. Elizabeth's comments about Sherri's baby possibly being the next President were just outrageous. What's up with Sherri's hair.
