
Thursday, April 30, 2009

New York, NYC, New York
Hot Topics: American Idol; Mel Gibson's new girlfriend; Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's wife wrote about her husband roving eyes


  1. To paraphrase Tia and Tamera from "Sister, Sister"

    Barbara, go HOME!

    Class my beautiful ass! Cutting people off, telling unfunny jokes, moderating when the moderator YOU HIRED is right there, covering your ass with the whole "Oh, we lied for you, but it's not our fault, Whoopi" business... And then, being the typical bitchy female (thank GOD the others ignored it) and talking about Mel Gibson's new squeeze's "young" age... We get it, Babs. Mel said something anti-semetic, and you're a Jew. But what I can't stand is hypocrisy. Either you, as a journalist, remain neutral, or you don't.

    Normally, even though I love her, I get irritated with Whoopi's "Face of Judgement" but when these women start going on and on about Twitter, Dancing with the Stars and American Idol (which I haven't watched since Fantasia's win), I'm right there with her.

    And, Joy? I agree with you, girl. Leave the bimbette at home.

  2. Im with Joy about Mel

    Berlusconi is such an EMBARRASSMENT...

  3. Anyone else notice that it looks like Whoopi's getting burn-out? I used to absolutely relish when she's step into that snake pit of political dookie that Elisabeth laid out, but now... it's like she just lets the other ladies ramble on as they like. She barely gets in a word edge-wise. I'm wondering if they asked her to contribute less and just focus on quelling Bitsy whe she hit full-blown psycho or if she's getting tired of the show altogether...

  4. I did not notice Sherri was missing.

  5. Yeah I notice a lot of the time, Whoopi refuses to talk back or argue and simply says "we can't judge or say anything because we don't know what really happened." I agree but then you got no tlak show lol

  6. I'm from Italy and, even though I've never and will never vote for Berlusconi, it pains me to see people making fun of my country like this!
    I know it's all his fault if Italy is becoming a third world country and I'm the first one to admit that he's a DOUCHE, but I wish that people didn't think that all italians are like him! Many, many italian citizens despise him, not only as a politician (which is NOT!) but also as a human being!

  7. I think Mel has the right to go out with ANYONE......i mean his ex chick is taking HALF of his money, i wouldnt care WHAT my ex thought...he paid for that right lol

  8. Oh jeez, please don't underline also this other bullshit of our prime minister... it's already so ambarrassing the whole situation! And it hurts even more because our country's circumstances are too complicated to explain you why we are at this point. Please, forgive us, we're still able to be good people...at least great part of us. Millions of Italians feel very frustrated being part of all our crap carried by international media...we just need more time to work things out. Just hoping we'll find a way to figure out how, considering the WHOLE political class (all our politicians) and society's condition (historical wounds included).
    Love from Italy
