
Thursday, April 16, 2009

The View 04/16/09

Hot Topics: Hulk Hogan told Rolling Stone Mag: "I could have turned everything into a crime scene, like OJ, cutting everybody's throat"; Saudis 'to regulate' child brides


  1. What Elisabeth said is wrong ..Iraqi women have been able to vote sine 1950. Tv makes you stupid
    You can check that on UN WEBSITE if you don't beleive me.

  2. it really offended me to hear her say that and i came to leave a comment. Women in Iraq have voted for years indeed, thank you navido. She was probably referring to Kuwait, a US ally (remember the gulf war?), in which women vote was only recently introduced under no american pressure.

  3. tweetypiebabe14/16/09, 2:40 PM

    Legally they have been allowed but have they actually voted?
    Were they able to run in government before as well?

  4. tweetypiebabe14/16/09, 2:41 PM

    O sorry forgot this bit also you know Elisabeth will try to use anything to make the war in Iraq look like a good thing.

  5. Please don't jump on Elizabeth about that, it's easy to miscontrue women voting for numerous years due to extremists in Iraq. Women have a hard time running for office and going to vote without the fear of being targets of radical men and military.

  6. tweetypiebabe14/16/09, 3:23 PM

    No I'm not jumping on Elisabeth for that because I don't know fact from fiction in this case. But based on what the previous comments said I made that statement. Besides it's the truth you know whatever success that happens in Iraq from this day on she will attribute that to the war.
    There is a reason why I asked about the law as well to make sure I clarify.

  7. I hate when people pretend like Europe and the United States NEVER did anything like what they hear about in other places. Women haven't even voted in the country 100 years yet.

  8. Ohh plz Taliban had nothing to do with this law it was the Shia now if you dont know Taliban and Shia are currently at war with each other in Afghanistan sometimes The View gets its facts so wrong but I still love the show .........

  9. I think it's disgusting that they weren't taking this more seriously. This law in essence allows the women to be raped by their husbands, who'll just claim that their wives didn't obey the law by sleeping with them enough.

    For Sherri to be cracking jokes about men loving the law is not only sexist but completely irrelevant to such a serious topic.

  10. I hate it when these women take this condescending tone towards other countries... By the way in pre-Taliban Afghanistan women not only voted but held high government jobs as well. They screwed it up and took the country back to the dark-ages! And many of these countries that practise honour killings have had female leaders. Please, I wish ppl to put countries, politics,culture and freacking religion in different baskets, sheesh!!! And women in Iraq had the right to vote for god's sake! Elisabeth = anything good in Iraq was due to our ''liberation''...

  11. To Elizabeth T: Yes, you're right.. The Pilgrims had that terrible practice of stoning women to death for breaking their patriarchal laws, yes... And it was terrible how all those young American women in the 19th century had to endure cliterodectomies..... Just awful....

    To Anonymous: I, too, wish that people would put countries, politics, culture and "freacking" religion in different baskets -- which is just exactly what Islamists do NOT do.. For Islamists, Islam IS their culture, their country, their politics, their religion... It is one big integrated system -- that's the definition of Sharia law..

    Under Sharia law, women are not considered to be human beings. THAT is the abomination we are discussing.

  12. i really dont like it when barbara walters is on, the tone of hot topics is totally different and she rarely says anything interesting...plus her voice is annoying...

  13. @ merry “Under Sharia law, women are not considered to be human beings. THAT is the abomination we are discussing.”

    Pardon my harsh words in reply to yours, but that is utterly ignorant. You obviously know nothing of Islam. Islam was the first religion to give women rights – one of the most important was the right to ownership. Women did not have right to own property but also what she owns is separate from her husband’s. Even if she works, is wealthy, her husband is required to care for her financially and she is not required to do so in turn. I suggest before you make the stupid call of mixing religion with culture or twisted-based extremism you educate yourself. Ignorance based hate is sickening.

    Hate what you understand, fear what you don’t.


  14. Well, the View has never stayed out of a topic that it knew so little about. They probably should not have discussed this, since they did know so little.

    The one thing I do hope ppl can agree on, is women are not less than men and should be treated as equals in all ways and in all forms. I doubt ANY culture of ppl can dig into its history and see women were always treated with this level of respect and that is a shame.
    If a culture CAN, then it should be held up as a model.
    The United States can not say it treats women the same as men, to this day, and that is a shame.

  15. I really do hate it when ignorant people dismiss the life choices of other countries just becuase they don't agree with them....i mean i am guessing allot of people look down at America becuase of the history in dealing with their black population only giving them the vote after they died and campaigned for it but every liberal America would begged to be joyed diifferently....

    P.S White America's used Christanity to justify slavery......and forced their religion onto black people claiming that they were 'saving them'
