
Saturday, May 9, 2009

cell phone family plans
The McCanns and the New Search for Madeleine (1 of 2)


  1. The McCanns were not cleared in the investigation, as reported on Oprah. The case was simply closed due to a supposed lack of evidence. The parents do look convincing and I'd hate to think they had anything to do with their daughter's disappearance. But there are some unanswered questions which raise doubts:

    1. How did they have direct access to the government to have someone quit a government job to become their spokesperson? They're both doctors, so how are they friends with UK prime minister Gordon Brown as reported in the media, and was there political pressure to drop the case against them?

    2. How did they have such an easy access to the Pope, when it's not that easy, and practically every parent of missing children would like to do the same?

    3. Why did Kate refuse to answer over 40 questions by the police?

    4. If that friend saw someone nearby carrying a child, why didn't they call the police as soon as they saw Maddie was missing, instead of waiting 1h 30 minutes to do it? How come this "witness sighting" was not mentioned right away?

    5. An Irish tourist also said they saw Maddie's father carry a child out of the apartment at around the time of the disappearance. Is that any more or less credible than the McCann's friend's "sighting"?

    6. The police has shown that it was impossible for an adult to easily jump out of that room's window, especially carrying a child in his/her arms.

    7. Why did Gerry return to the resort two years later, placing photos of his daughter everywhere, as if anyone in that small town or even the world hasn't already seen the girl's face?! Is that trying too hard to look innocent? And how come their friends' "eyewitness" report have produced not one but three different sketches of supposed kidnappers, with one only revealed now, 2 years later?

    8. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: How do they respond to the police video showing the police dogs indicating the presence of a corpse in the apartment, blood in their car, as well as several samples of blood consistent with that of Maddie? -- all that led them to be declared suspects.

    9. They're admited to have given their children sleeping pills. Some people suspect an overdose of that accidentally killed Maddie and they are trying to cover it up. Were those pills the reason why the twins sleeping in the same room would not wake up with a stranger in the room? How convenient! And given the choice of one of the twins or 3 year old Maddie, why would a kidnapper choose Maddie when she was older and therefore more likely to scream or be seen in an abduction?

    10. Children go missing in Portugal as they do anywhere else in the world, but it's extremely rare, especially when compared to other countries. There's also never been a case like this in the country. Why do they think Maddie was chosen and have they ever suspected one of their friends -- after all, they'd have easy access to Maddie. Or that other friend who supposedly went to check the children as everyone else sat at the restaurant? Why do they automatically think it was a stranger, when in child disappearance cases, it's NOT a stranger over 90% of the time...?

    Until the McCanns answer all questions instead of bombarding the media with new sketches, eyewitnesses, and theories, I will not say they are guilty but not innocent either.

  2. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: How do they respond to the police video showing the police dogs indicating the presence of a corpse in the apartment, blood in their car, as well as several samples of blood consistent with that of Maddie? -- all that led them to be declared suspects.

    The forensic tests were not conclusive, the initial reports that the DNA evidence was conclusive. Her DNA would of been on her clothes, teddy bear etc.

    The police didnt do anything in the first few hours as they thought she just wandered off. So crucial time was lose, they could of searched cars at borders (only 2 hours away)

    I really dont believe that they did it, It just doesnt make sense they hired the rental car 25 days after her disapperance which means they had to hide her body for 3 weeks under the glare of the whole world.

  3. This closing of the borders is complete nonsense. We're talking about the European Union, Schengen Space here. Meaning open borders that can only be closed in very, very extreme cases. And why assume the child would be taken to Spain or elsewhere?

    The tests were not conclusive. Meaning they didn't prove to be Maddie's but didn't disprove it either.

    "The policide didn't do anything in the first hours" is McCann spokesperson speak. YOU CAN'T AUTOMATICALLY CLOSE COUNTRIES' BORDERS EVERY TIME A CHILD DISAPPEARS. That's ridiculous. Remember, the McCanns didn't call the police right away either. In fact, it has been reported that they even called Sky News first. Whether or not that is true, no one knows. But the media bombardment did start right away -- something never seen before with a missing child case in the history of the world. It makes you wonder about the McCann's power and the whole case.

  4. Sorry, but the above statements are complete and utter conjecture based on false statements made by the media and some of the portuguese investigating officers. Both Gerry and Kate have received apologies from British newspapers for the unfounded allegations made about them.

    The above posters are irresponsible rumour-mongers more interested in exercising their own morbid detective fantasies and conspiracy theories. Sick sick sick.

  5. Thank you Anon @8:31am. I couldn't agreed more -- the first couple of posts are complete BS.

  6. Yes, I completely agree with Karina and anon 8.31 - what on earth makes you (blatant Daily Telegraph readers) think you know more about this case than the police and even the parents? Absolutely sick. And also, anon at 6.31 no one mentioned closing borders, chill your beans!! They just mentioned CHECKING them. Read someone's post properly becfore taking getting so aggrivated!

  7. I cannot hear anything! =(

  8. You don't need to be a UK tabloid reader to question much of the parents' story. Giving sleeping medication to children and leaving them unattended while you go have dinner at a restaurant is irresponsible. Especially when you don't take the babysitting service offered at the resort. Having direct access to powerful personalities is not common. Making up their own theories based on nothing and claiming the police didn't do enough is a classic way of directing the attention away from any suspicion of them. Creating a never-before-seen media campaign and making millions out if it is also questionable. Why their case should treated any differently from the thousands of other missing British children is also to be thought about.

  9. Oh come on you conspiracy theorists out there. The power of the McCanns my ass. Yeah right, they are powerful enough to prevent a murder investigation just because they went to college with a politician or something. That's ridiculous! You believe that while congratulating yourselves for being such critical, analytical minds that you can see right through them.
    And the media campaign... A white, wealthy British child being kidnapped in a family resort a) where almost every middle class family with children spend their holidays and b) that is universally considered the kind of a place nothing bad can happen in, is going to be a media frenzy. Children disappearing from this kind of surroundings is unusual and frightening to anyone with children, that's why it's so widely reported! Use your heads people, before coming to the oh-so-dramatic conclusion that this proves that McCanns secretly rule the world.
    "It makes you wonder about the power of McCann's".... Whoever said that should go run into a brick wall once or twice, maybe that will knock some sense into you!

  10. I can't belive these parents! They druged their own daughter and then left her alone in a foreign country!! What was so important at that restaurant?? Did these parents think they were on spring holiday??

    I feel so sorry for this little girl

  11. To be honest, I really do feel extremely sorry for any parent who has a lost child - I cannot imagine at all that feeling. But I feel that news like this are way overexposed in the media.

    I know this may sound harsh - but ONE girl has dissapeared out of many thosands of missing children in the US and the world. How do we give one child's story an advantage over others. Plus there are wars and SO MUCH more problems that kill THOUSANDS of children daily (like child soldiers and child prostitution) that concentrating on one girl's story I think is ireesponsible of the media. Yes send out an Amber alert for the first week but to drag this story out is really iresponsible.

    For that reason, I have heard this story before but I am not watching this interview. By the way, just for your information, it has been shown that the media always chooses white (usually blonde) females who are missing as their lead stories. If you think about it, it is true. You never hear the media sensationalizing a story of a lost black child.

  12. Yes, it is a shame that not every child gets this amount of attention, but it is not relative! It's not as though because we are hearing so much about Madeline McCann we are hearing less about other children - it is the circumstances and, yes, the wealth, skin colour and nationality of the parents. Sad but true, and if you were in their position surely you would utilise every single advantage you have to get your story out there? It's not as if they have pain to have other missing childrens' stories hushed up so we can all concentrate on their child, sadly thousands of other children's stories would have been ignored whether Maddie's was or not.

    And also, can people stop saying they drugged their children? It's not fact, we don't know, and as Kate and Gerry say it's tragic that someone has put that out there and they are now smeared with that forever - indeed, how do they prove a negative?

  13. Yes, anon at 9.50, I'm sure you don't have to be a tabloid reader to question their story, but both those things make you a moron.

  14. I actually I disagree with you Anon 4:54pm. I do believe that the media constantly talking about one missing child for months does hush up the stories of other missing children and other stories that are causing deaths of children around the world (slavery, prostitution, etc). Let's say, every day or week a child is featured because that first 48h when a child is missing is cruticial. But by featuring a missing child story for months - you are obviously not going to introduce a new one until this story dies down.

    Obviously, I do not know what the media will do but this is my just my 2 cents.

    And by the way, I do not blame the parents for draging this story (if I were them I would do the same). However, I blame the media for re-featuring the story again and again when other children gone missing maybe even just last week CAN be saved!

  15. First. The resort was not a "a gated community" type of residence so anyone could wander in and out.

    They were nine adults on the trip. They should have taken turns and one person should have stayed with the kids every night. That is how you do it.

    I didn't like what the mother said in the second part of the segment at about 05:00 that she wanted to fight more for her daughter when she first was consider a suspect.

    I will stress about the parents responsibility since I've heard too many stories about parents leaving their children alone for the sake of their own childish needs.

  16. When the McCanns admitted to have given their children sleeping medication it was reported that it was a "common" drug given to children in the UK. Does anyone know of an American equivalent so that I could begin to understand what that could be?

    And on the night of the abduction the three children were obviously in a powerful sleep since none of them, sleeping in the same room, woke up with a supposed intruder in the room who then even supposedly jumped out of a very small window with a child in the arms.

    Also, since there was no forced entrance, how come the parents have never raised the question that it could have been someone from the staff of the resort or one of their friends? Why insist on a strange intruder from the start when in child abduction cases, 9 times out of 10 it's not a stranger?

  17. Yes, 11PM from Sweden,
    The parents could have been more responsible by having one of their own take turns as a babysitter, but also remember that the resort had its own babysitting service which they refused!
    The McCanns just made it all so "convenient" for a child abduction. And people still question why they were seen as suspects! I bet those same people also defended Susan Smith until the very end, when she finally confessed to have thrown her children in the lake.

  18. I would imagine that it was a paracetmaol based syrup called Calpol over here. I guess it is the equivalent of children's Tylenol?

    A recent channel 4 documentary aired in the UK recently has given a further insight into this story.

    The choice to go on Oprah is that it is aired in over 100 countries worldwide. He is a consultant and she is a GP. beleive me they do not need the money, and suggestions that they do are ridiculous.

    I'm sure that these parents regret the decision that they made that night every moment of every day. They should not be villified by people who do not know the facts.

  19. You rock for posting this, Lester. Thank you!

  20. So sad. why don't everyone just pray or wish for the poor little girl to return to her family along with every other missing child in the world.
