
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guests: Sally Quinn and Quinn Bradlee (author, A Different Life)

learning disabilities


  1. I don't know if I'm the only one, but this video is telling me it's private. :(

  2. Thanks for all the uploads Lester. This video says that it is private? So curious to watch this segment too...The first clip Sherrie eluded to the fact that her child has some developmental issues and she couldn't wait to see the above guests. Hope you are able to fix it. Thanks

  3. Yeah it says its private....

  4. I feel truly sorry for Sherri's child but I must say that it's a bit irresponsible to get invitro when you are overweight and suffer from diabetes 2. The risk of a giving birth to a premature child or having complications is much higher when the mother has a BMI that is too high. I will always stand up for people who suffer from overweight or obesity but not when it comes to this.

  5. she is not overweight she just has big boobs

  6. Thanks Lester!

    Nice story...I really felt for Sherri when she was reading that quote...

  7. She is overweight and defintley was overweight at the time. It is very common that women that suffer from diabetes 2 also suffer from infertility as a result of their overweight. Since Sherri has been able to consive natural before Jeoferry without invitro. It all comes down to your genes and since Sherri has diabetes in her familly she has these genes. She also had her child a bit late in life and this will also increase the risks of complications in your pregnancy. Sad but true.

  8. Sweden: I didn't know sherry conceived invitro, I also understand this to be her only child?--->(" Sherri has been able to consive natural before Jeoferry")...are you sure about your infor?

    For a second with that quote, asking BW to read it, I thought Sherri was having one of her "the world is flat" moments! lol, then I realized she was just getting choked up and couldn't finish it..that made me cry too! =(

  9. Wow , his mother has a very confident personalty. I didn't know that Shari's child was ill. Glad that these children are fine now.

  10. Sherri admits she's had abortions before, so she has conceived before having geoffrey, I won't judge her for having this child though, a lot of people with diabetes have children, and I don't think she's overweight now, maybe she was before, I don't know.

  11. Yes, Sherri conceived natural before and then had an abortion. She talks about it quite a bit on the show. I wonder if she feels this is her "punishment" from God because of her aborting her previous child. I feel bad for Sherri, because her mind has been brainwashed through her religion..she seems like she only sticks by that religion because she feels guilted.

  12. I agree - Sherri did grow up in a very religious Jehovah's Witness household. She never went to prom and I think spent every weekend going door to dorr with her parents.

    Overall, she seems like a very happy and optomistic kind of person and does not seem very hateful. Like when she talks about gay marriage you can tell that she wants people to be happy and for her gay friends to get married. But she seems to have difficulty separating her religion and having confidence enough to make her own stance on issues.

    I like more this more human and soft side of Sherri rather than the Bible-quoting Sherri.

  13. Many women with diabetes 2 have children. Unfortunatley Sherri has 3 risk factors overweight, age and diabetes 2. It's very normal that women can't conceive naturally becasue the body will produce too much testosterone when you have Sherri's condition. It's better for women to lose the weight, get healthy and then try to conceive. In Sweden you are not allowed to get invitro if your BMI is too high.

  14. the importend point I think is that she ist a great and loving mother!
    She loves him! She does everything it take for him and more!
    and let`s not forget that this little boy was and is wanted!
    It`s easy to say that people should NOT get invitro if they are to ....
    But where to stop? to old, to young, to big, to small, diabetes, asthma, allergies....


  15. Nah. But 3 of the most notable risk factors for premature birth is overweight (diabetes as a result), age and induced abortions (I forgot to mention this before) . Asthma or allergies has nothing to do with premature birth. So that is another discussion entirely. Don't try to exagerate the discussion! It's dangerous to have a baby when you weigh to much. That's is a fact. What is wrong with losing the weight first? Im only saying that it shouldn't be allowed to get invitro when you have so many risk factors involved. You could try to make this a non significant issue. I suggest that you read up on premature births.
